Additional Information | This course is intended for current EMTs seeking recertification, expired NJ EMTs who need to renew and reactivate their EMT status and eligible doctors and nurses seeking to become NJ EMTs.
Expired EMTs and non-EMTs taking the class must also take the NREMT Written Certification Exam
after all classes are completed.
A valid, current CPR card is required to take this course; please bring your CPR and EMT cards with you.
A current textbook is required for the class. EMT Training Fund forms (EMS-62) are accepted from eligible agencies. These must be completed on a computer and printed out with all information and only the President’s or Captain’s signature can be written in, using blue ink, and the squad name should match the name listed on the State eligible squad listing, at this address:
If your agency is not EMT TF eligible, course cost will be $80 per person for non-20th
District squad members.
This class will be conducted in accordance with all COVID-19 restrictions as per the Governor`s Executive Orders and will follow appropriate social distancing guidelines and will utilize appropriate PPE and decontamination guidelines according to recommendations set forth by the CDC and the Department of Health. Class size will be limited.
Contact the coordinator to register, or with any questions or problems. |